25 de junho de 2010

Homeschol in Ireland

Por si a alguien más le pueden ser de interés estos enlaces:

Republic of Ireland:

La opción de educar en casa:
- La educación en casa en Irlanda
- El proceso legislativo irlandes sobre homeschool según Amanda Petrie
- Education (Welfare) Act, 2000. República de Irlanda

NEWB: The National Educational Welfare Board


Home Education Network:
Homeducation network.org

Teaching your child at home: Página del gobierno irlandés que informa a la ciudadanía sobre la Educación en casa

School Days.ie: Ireland's Online Resource for Parents & Teachers in Irish Education


parenting with fun.com: Happy moments

The voyage: Life, family, autism and home-education

Frozen Footprints: a Catholic homeschooling family of seven

Homeschooling in Ireland: a missionary homeschooling family

Northern Ireland:

* HEdNI: Home education in Northern Ireland

* CEIN: Christian home educators in Northern Ireland